Book: I Love You, Beth Cooper
Author: Larry Doyle
In two words: surprisingly funny.

In a few more words: Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Isn't I Love You, Beth Cooper the name of that predictable-looking high school rom-com staring some curly-haired kid and that chick from Heroes?

The short answer is: yes, and that's largely why I was reluctant to read the book. But after hearing several proclamations of its hilariousity and that its author, Larry Doyle, used to write for The Simpsons, I was curious to say the least. So I put down some $ and picked up the trade paperback in its original cover's cartoonish glory, and am I glad I did.

The story is pretty much what the title advertises: nerdy valedictorian and otherwise person non-grata in high school Denis Cooverman announces he's in love with head cheerleader Beth Cooper during his graduation speech (which also contains other revelations about the school populace until he's forcibly silenced). Then comes the fallout in the muscle-bound package of Beth's giant army boyfriend, his goons and some fun random violence. Rich, Denis' film-buff of a best friend, serves as an amicable sidekick in the adventure along with Beth's friends. It's funny, smart and dare I say refreshing for the kind of novel in this genre. I probably won't be seeing the movie but the book is worth picking up if you like your humor with the occasional dose of violence, bodily fluids and towel-snapping. (And you know you do. Don't lie.)
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