Books: The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns
Author: Khaled Hosseini

In a word: Mesmerizing.

In a few more words:
Evocative. Compelling. Illuminating. Yes, I stole these words from the back cover of these books but they definitely apply to each!

First on the docket: The Kite Runner
I'd often heard of this book in the past but it wasn't until my friend suggested I read it that I actually went out of my way to pick it up - and I'm glad I did. In its core, The Kite Runner deals with the subject of atonement and the complexities of friendship between two people of different class and character. There isn't much more that I can say about the book that hasn't been said by a billion reviewers already; instead, let me just agree with the accolades it's been given. The story has characters that you feel for, and it's ending is both heartbreaking and optimistic at the same time. Great read.

Next on the docket: A Thousand Splendid Suns
With high expectations, I picked up Hosseini's sophomore debut not longer after finishing The Kite Runner. I can safely say that those expectations were exceeded. To quote the Washington Post: "In case you're wondering whether [A Thousand Splendid Suns] is as good as The Kite Runner, here's the answer: no. It's better."

This novel tells the story of two different women from very different circumstances who find themselves in the same precarious situation, and how they progress to allies. The changing political climate of Afghanistan serves as the backdrop for the events in the book, putting faces and depth behind the headlines in the news. Instead of adopting a linear timeline like The Kite Runner, this book moves between the women to tell their individual stories and allow them to give their own perspectives. This isn't just a great read, it's an important one as well.
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