As a three-person ensemble from Britain playing to the "piano rock" genre, Keane is one of my favorite bands. Discovering them during their first SNL appearance several years ago, I was hooked when I heard the first chords of "Somewhere Only We Know" and sought out their album Hopes and Fears without second thought. To this day, it's still my favorite album of theirs - perfect "chill out and reminisce" music with gorgeous melodies.

Their new album Perfect Symmetry debuted to controversy since it marked a pretty big departure from their old sound. And I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't crazy about it at first - it took a little longer to register that it was Keane I was hearing - but after a few listens I found myself coming back to it regularly and now, with the exception of one or two tracks, it's really grown on me. Here is one of the songs I'm liking from their new album, "The Lovers Are Losing":

And here is "Somewhere Only We Know" from their first album:
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